Hatkara is app sing karaoke online free with many top karaoke songs
Sing Karaoke Online - Hatkara is app karaoke online free help you Sing and Record songs easily, conveniently. Karaoke Online has lot of top karaoke songs, include many best karaoke songs in 2017, you can search easily and sing karaoke online all day right on your phone / tablet.
With Karaoke Online, you can:
- Sing karaoke online with video.
- Sing new songs, sing favorite songs anytime.
- Record while singing karaoke with high quality.
- Share with your friends Karaoke Online Score.
- Send your recording files to your friends.
And lots of other gadgets for you.
Let's try Karaoke Online with your friends.
- Application support Android 4.0.3 and up.
- Application requires RECORD_AUDIO Permission and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Permission to record karaoke songs and save to storage.
- When you use voice to search karaoke songs, let's use the default language of your phone.
Thank you for using Karaoke Online. Any questions please contact email: hatkara.net@gmail.com