بررسی ها: 43 امتیاز: 8.6
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pretty good for a Harvest Moon clone. Beats paying Natsume 15$...However if you want a real Harvest Moon experience you have to go with the real deal and dish out that cash.Theres quite a bit to do other than farming,l even though its a small island. Theres a story which is very similar to the 3DS Harvest Moon Sunshine Island. The whole island was destroyed by a storm and you have to repair everything to get it back up and running, even your house is in shambles. Upon fixing your house you will be able to redecorate its interior and add furniture, kind of like a mini SIMS game.Character creation is pretty basic though, hair colour, face(which also changes eye colour), a hat(which is a part of hair) and starter clothing are all you can choose from. Clothing can be switched but as of right now all i can see is that you have to buy the outfits(with real money)... there may be a way to unlock them in-game for free but i didnt play that far in because of a loading error, which essentially made me to realize I spent quite a bit of time on it for the day lol If i deside to keep this and play more i will add more info on obtaining new outfits and maybe upload a few pics of the island and my farm...If not,then this will conclude my review.I do recommend this game to anyone whos a fan of Harvest Moon, (especially Save The Homeland).
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