Galam TV

Aug 21, 2024 Old Versions

About Galam TV

Kazakhstan Internet TV «GALAM TV»

Watch TV channels in SD and HD formats, a rich collection of domestic and foreign films - anytime and anywhere!

TV broadcasts SD zhene HD formattarynda, otandyk zhene sheteldik filmderden turatyn bai toptamany - kez kelgen zherde kez kelgen uakytta tamashalanyzdar!

Kazakhstani Internet television “GALAM TV” is high quality, multifunctional and easy to use:

"GALAM TV" kazakhstandyk internet television - bul zhogargy sapa, kopfunktsionaldyk zhane koldanysta yngailylyk:

viewing Kazakh and foreign TV channels in real time;

Kazіrgі uaqyt tәrtіbіnde қазақстандик қәне сетлідік TV-arnalardy koru;

convenience and access to viewing anywhere in the world*;

Alemniң kez-kelgen nүktesinen қolaily (ynғayly) koruge bolada*;

a large collection of domestic and foreign films in Kazakh and Russian languages ​​(Video-on-Demand service);

Kazak zhane orys tilderinde otandyk zhane sheteldik filmderden turatyn kolemdi collection (“Suranym boyinsha beine” kyzmeti);

a convenient electronic EPG program will allow you to quickly find the desired TV show of any TV channel;

ңғылы EPG еΦονονονος οί οί οί οί οί οί οѕο οί οί οί οί οί οί οѕοί οί οѕονοί

TimeShift playback control function - the ability to pause or “scroll” a moment of a film or program back and watch it again;

TimeShift kayta kosudy baskaru functions - film/bagdarlamany toktatyp nemese kerі "aynaldyryp" kazhet zherіn kaitadan koru;

CatchUP function up to 5 days of archive – watch your favorite TV programs at any time convenient for you!

“CatchUP” functions - suyikti telebagdarlamalarynyzdy ozinizge kolayly kez-kelgen uakytta karai alasyz!

automatic adaptation of video quality to the speed of the Internet connection

Internet zhyldamdygyn zhogary sapali beinege avtomatty turde beimdeydi.

We wish you pleasant viewing!

Zhagymdy karap shygudy tileymiz!

All TV channels included in the Galam TV application have the right to broadcast on the Internet.

Galam TV kosymshasyna kosylgan barlyk telearnalardyn internet zhelіsіndе corsetіluіne құқығы bars.

Please remember that using mobile Internet to watch TV may lead to an increase in Internet traffic consumption.

Mobildi Internetti paidalana kezinda Internet traffic tutynalada.

*Some content is prohibited for display outside the Republic of Kazakhstan at the request of copyright holders

*Құқық ьегерLRінѣ talaby boyynsha keibir content ҚР syrtynda kөrsetuge tyyim salyngan

What's New in the Latest Version 2.8.14

Last updated on Aug 22, 2024
- Контекстные подсказки
- Системный мини плейер
- Улучшения, исправления и другие изменения

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Minh Trạng

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