We make Publishing Your Reality
- Your book is your priority. Our priority is you. We build tools and services that let you focus on writing while we take care of layout, publishing, distribution, print-on-demand paperbacks, and more.
- Keep writing. We’re here for the rest.
- Automated, Beautiful, All Yours.
We treat your manuscript like the precious gem that it is. Use our automated conversion and layout templates to give your book a professional layout that fits your style. All easy to use, and all for free.
- Go Wide with Smarter Self-Publishing
We distribute ebook and paperback books to all the major retailers online, plus hundreds of storefronts worldwide. That’s what we mean when we say “go wide.” With the check of a box, you can choose which digital storefronts you want to publish to. Already listing your book with a specific retailer? Select only the stores you want! Every storefront is "opt-in," and you can opt back out again any time.
- We Built Your Home Away from Homepage
Our B2R Author Pages and B2R Book Tabs give you a place to send readers, even if you don’t have a website. Built on our Universal Book Link technology, we help readers find and buy your books anywhere they’re sold online. No matter how you market yourself, our promotional tools help funnel more readers to your books so you can focus less on selling and more on writing.
- Sales & Royalties at Your Fingertips
Keep up with how you’re doing with our clean, beautiful, powerful sales-tracking tools. We’ll show you which storefronts are selling your books, how many units are sold, what your projected royalties will be, and more. Customize sales charts to suit your needs, and get the data to track how your marketing efforts are going.