we have many Home Interior Design Ideas here!
The latest trend in home interior design is the use of themes. Theme ideas range from sports to fabulously feminine and contemporary to eclectic. One of the most popular themes is the "Tropical Island" theme.
When using the Tropical Island theme idea, there are many directions you can go. From elegant to fun, you have a wide range of choices. You can use art work, painted murals, wall paper, textured wall paint or any combination of these materials.
Select colors that represent the tropics such as various shades of blue, dark turquoise and deep shades of green. Burlap fabric is a good choice for wall covering. For an inexpensive Tiki look, attach bamboo shades to the wall, than attach a chair rail above the shade using bamboo shafts.
Window treatments should be light and airy. Bamboo shades are a logical choice for this home interior design. Other options include brightly colored sheers or draperies made from bright, sheer fabric or an island print.
A wide range of art work is available to create any style of Tropical Island design. You might want pictures of sugar plantations or pineapple fields. Maybe you prefer oil paintings of cargo ships or fancy yachts. Perhaps your tastes are more suited for seagulls, pelicans, dolphins, turtles or other sea life. Regardless of art preferences, there is an abundance of art work depicting the beauty of the islands.
Bathrooms are a natural setting for the Tropical Island theme. Accessories can easily be located in most retail and department stores. You can find everything from toothbrush holders to wall paper in a variety of island designs. A popular trend in bathroom designs is the use of glass bowl sinks. These are perfect for the Tropical Island theme and add exquisite beauty to the room.
Kitchens lend well to the Tropical Island theme. Bamboo kitchen tables and bar stools
Look for deals at your local thrift shop or visit yard or estate sales. You might be surprised at the great bargains available and you'll probably find several unique accessories. Most importantly have fun and get creative with this home interior design idea and soon your tropical oasis will await you!