Английские волшебные сказки

0.2.1 by iFrank
Feb 15, 2015

About Английские волшебные сказки

English fairy tales with the audio track of adapting the method Ilya Frank

The appendix presents the best stories from the collection of John. Jacobs, adapted (without simplification of the original text) method Ilya Franka®, with professional audio tracks.

Acquainted with the method can be used by downloading the free application "Method of reading Ilya Frank."

Joseph Jacobs - folklore, literary critic and historian (1854 - 1916), is best known for the creation of "Jewish Encyclopedia", translations of European folklore and studies of early English literature. Collaborating with magazines and publishing houses, it was a number of outstanding collections, English, Icelandic, European and Indian fairy tales included in the annals of world literature as a classic of the genre.

Appendix promotes effective development of the English language, can serve as a supplement to the curriculum. Designed for students for English language learners themselves, but also for anyone interested in English culture. At the same time reading the text, you can listen to an audio track, or simply use the application as an audiobook.

The uniqueness of the method Ilya Frank is that memorizing words and expressions is due to their frequency, without learning and the need to use English-Russian dictionary.

The annex includes tales:

JackandtheBeanstalk (Jack and the Beanstalk)

TheThreeSillies (Three fool)

HowJackWenttoSeekHisFortune (As Jack went to seek his fortune)

NixNoughtNothing (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

Binnorie (Binnori)

Capo 'Rushes (Chepets of reeds)

TomTitTot (Tom Tit One)

TheStoryoftheThreeLittlePigs (The story of the three little pigs)

TittyMouseandTattyMouse (Titta Mouse and Tatty Mouse)

JackandhisGoldenShuffbox (Jack and his gold snuffbox)

TheStoryoftheThreeBears (The story of the three bears)

Other applications c English text adapted by the method of Ilya Franka® can be found on request, for example: "Ilya Frank English."

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