Евангелие от Марка. Полный

3.3.2 by Audiolitera.ru
Feb 21, 2021

About Евангелие от Марка. Полный

Today's best audioispolnenie gospel. Backlit read words

Today's best audioispolnenie Gospel. The text reads Valery Shushkevich. With fragments of music.

The Gospel of Mark - the second book of the New Testament and the second of the four canonical Gospels. The shortest of the four Gospels.

The main theme of the Gospel - the life and preaching of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Ability to listen to allows to plunge into the unique atmosphere of Bible stories when reading is impossible (at the wheel, in the disease).

· Storage Management Audio: (SD, Internal Memory, Online play);

· Playback of the selected word using the long touch;

· Through search all collections will help you find the desired track and start playing it with him;

· Easy switching between orthodox thematic audiosbornikami through drop-down menu;

· Ability to set a comfortable level of brightness and font size.

Total playing time 2:03:21

professional quality record created by the studio "Studio in the name of St. confessor of St. John the Warrior "in St Elisabeth Convent in Minsk.

Because applications are available other Orthodox collections: "Prayer," "Psalm", "Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete", "Prayers needful", "Genesis: the Bible, the Old Testament", "Exodus: the Bible, the Old Testament," "The Gospel of Matthew Bible, New Testament, "" The Gospel of Mark Bible, the New Testament. "

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Евангелие от Марка. Полный Alternative

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