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ቀዳማዊ ፡ ዓፄ ፡ ኃይለ ፡ ሥላሴ (ቀ.ኃ.ሥ.) ከጥቅምት ፳፫ ቀን ፲፱፻፳፫ እስከ መስከረም ፪ ቀን ፲፱፻፷፯ ዓ.ም. ፡ የኢትዮጵያ ፡ ንጉሠ ፡ ነገሥት ፡ ነበሩ። ተፈሪ ፡ መኰንን ፡ ሐምሌ ፲፮ ፡ ቀን ፡ ፲፰፻፹፬ ዓ.ም. ፡ ከአባታቸው ፡ ከልዑል ፡ ራስ መኰንን ፡ እና ፡ ከእናታቸው ፡ ከወይዘሮ ፡ የሺ ፡ እመቤት ፡ ኤጀርሳ ፡ ጎሮ ፡ በተባለ ፡ የገጠር ፡ ቀበሌ ፡ ሐረርጌ ፡ ውስጥ ፡ ተወለዱ።
በ፲፰፻፺፱ ፡ የሲዳሞ ፡ አውራጃ ፡ አገረ ፡ ገዥ ፡ ሆኑ። በ፲፱፻፫ ዓ.ም. ፡ የሐረርጌ ፡ አገረ ፡ ገዥ ፡ ሆኑ። የሐረርጌ ፡ አገረ ፡ ገዥ ፡ ሲሆኑ ፣ በጣም ፡ ብዙ ፡ ሺህ ፡ ተከታዮች ፡ ነበሩዋቸውና ፡ ልጅ ፡ እያሱን ፡ ከእንደራሴነት ፡ በኅይል ፡ እንዳያስወጡ ፤ እያሱም ፡ ተፈሪን ፡ ከሐረር ፡ አገረ ፡ ገዥነት ፡ እንዳይሽሯቸው ፡ የሚል ፡ ስምምነት ፡ ተዋዋሉ። ዳሩ ፡ ግን ፡ እያሱ ፡ ሃይማኖታቸውን ፡ ከክርስትና ፡ ወደ ፡ እስልምና ፡ እንደቀየሩ ፡ የሚል ፡ ማስረጃ ፡ ቀረበና ፡ ብዙ ፡ መኳንንትና ፡ ቀሳውስት ፡ ስለዚህ ፡ ኢያሱን ፡ አልወደዱዋቸውም ፡ ነበር። ከዚህም ፡ በላይ ፡ እያሱ ፡ ተፈሪን ፡ ከሐረር ፡ ከአገረ ፡ ገዥነታቸው ፡ ለመሻር ፡ በሞከሩበት ፡ ወቅት ፡ ስምምነታቸው ፡ እንግዲህ ፡ ተሠርዞ ፡ ተፈሪ ፡ ደግሞ ፡ ለወገናቸው ፡ ከስምምነቱ ፡ ተለቅቀው ፡ በዚያን ፡ ጊዜ ፡ እሳቸው ፡ እያሱን ፡ ከእንደራሴነት ፡ አስወጡ። እንግዲህ ፡ በ፲፱፻፱ ፡ ዓ.ም. ፡ መኳንንቱ ፡ ዘውዲቱን ፡ ንግሥተ ፡ ነገሥት ፡ ሆነው ፡ አድርገዋቸው ፡ ተፈሪ ፡ ደግሞ ፡ እንደራሴ ፡ ሆኑ። ከዚህ ፡ ወቅት ፡ ጀምሮ ፡ ተፈሪ ፡ በኢትዮጵያ ፡ ውስጥ ፡ ባለሙሉ ፡ ሥልጣን ፡ ነበሩ። በመስከረም ፳፯ ፡ ቀን ፡ ፲፱፻፳፩ ፡ ዓ.ም. ፡ የንጉሥነት ፡ ማዕረግ ፡ ተጨመረላችው። በ፲፱፻፳፪ ዓ.ም ፡ ንግሥት ፡ ዘውዲቱ ፡ አርፈው ፡ ንጉሠ ፡ ነገሥት ፡ ሆኑና ፡ ጥቅምት ፳፫ ፡ ቀን ፡ ፲፱፻፳፫ ዓ.ም. ፡ ብዙ ፡ የውጭ ፡ ልዑካን ፡ በተገኙበት ፡ ታላቅ ፡ ሥነ-ሥርዓት ፡ ቅብዓ ፡ ቅዱስ ፡ ተቀብተው ፡ እሳቸውና ፡ ሚስታቸው ፡ እቴጌ ፡ መነን ፡ ዘውድ ፡ ጫኑ።
Haile Selassie I was Crown Prince and Regent of the Ethiopian Empire from 1916 to 1928, and then King and Regent from 1928 to 1930, and finally Emperor from 1930 to 1974. He is a defining figure in modern Ethiopian history.[5][6] He was a member of the Solomonic dynasty who traced his lineage to Emperor Menelik I.
Selassie's internationalist views led to Ethiopia becoming a charter member of the United Nations.[7] At the League of Nations in 1936, he condemned Italy's use of chemical weapons against its people during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.[8] He has been criticized by some historians for his suppression of rebellions among the landed aristocracy (the mesafint), which consistently opposed his reforms; some critics have also criticized Ethiopia's failure to modernize rapidly enough.[9][10] During his rule the Harari people were persecuted and many left the Harari Region.[11] His regime was also criticized by human rights groups, such as Human Rights Watch, as autocratic and illiberal.[10][12]
Among the Rastafari movement, whose followers are estimated to number between 700,000 and one million, Haile Selassie is revered as the returned messiah of the Bible, God incarnate.[13][14] Beginning in Jamaica in the 1930s, the Rastafari movement perceives Haile Selassie as a messianic figure who will lead a future golden age of eternal peace, righteousness, and prosperity.[15] He was an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian throughout his life.
The 1973 famine in Ethiopia led to Selassie's removal from the throne.[16] He was strangled to death on 27 August 1975 at age 83 following a coup d'état.
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Last updated on Nov 12, 2022
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EN/አማርኛ1.5 by HistoryofTheWorld
Nov 12, 2022