聖書 新改訳2017

1.1.9 by 宗教法人いのちのことば宣教団
Oct 22, 2024

About 聖書 新改訳2017

Easy to understand, the NIV Bible, which is reading, everyone else on many people now read in android.

Since the first edition was published in 1970, the "New Bible Translation", which has been popular in various churches as an official Bible, has been completely revised. "New Bible Translation 2017" on Android.

Features of "New Bible Translation 2017"

① Corresponding to changes in Japanese

In line with changes in Japanese, we changed the translated words and sentences to make them easier to understand.

② Reflects the progress of biblical studies

Based on many years of research, the translation was changed based on the latest basics.

③ Faithful to the original text

Inheriting the "original text can be seen through" translation, which is a feature of the new translation.

④ Easy-to-read Japanese suitable for reading

The overly polite part was revised to make the sentence more natural in Japanese.

-Total ruby ​​display and vertical writing display are possible.

・ You can send scriptures to SNS and emails.

・ Free word search (display of search history)

・ Cue by chapters and sections

・ Bookmark function

・ Sentence copy function

・ Reference / note function

・ You can use the Bible commentary, Bible dictionary, and Bible switching function for a monthly fee.

Additional APP Information

Latest Version


Requires Android


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