Epicyclic Gears

1.0 بواسطة Dav -Trocoide

Epicyclic Gearsحول

الحركة والعزم حساب لتداويري جير قطار.

This application is able to calculate the motion relation, torque distribution and cycle counting of an epicyclic gear train.

You need to define the elements role in the gear train, input, output or fixed. Set the number of planets and the dynamic parameters as speed and torque of the input element.

The app will return a valuable information about the geartrain, including the factorization factor, which defines how well your elements will mesh between each other.

معلومات أكثر ل تطبيق

احدث اصدار


Android متطلبات النظام



تحديد كغير مناسب

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Epicyclic Gears البديل

احصل على المزيد Dav -Trocoide
