24 ساعة خلفية حية ديناميكية مع الكثير من خيارات التخصيص.
Just for fun. I felt like doing something completely opposite from all the beautiful nature wallpapers. To the nature loving fans out there: I will release more of those too, eventually. :)
Keep in mind that depending on your phone, the wallpaper may get slower when selecting a high chimney count. If so, just experiment with reducing the chimney count until it runs smooth.
Smoking chimneys behind a dirty brick wall polluting the sky. As always, full version features full dynamic 24 hour sky with shifting colors, sun, birds, clouds and moon. Most settings are locked in the free version, though some are available in that one as well.
Contributors (flickr users):
Chimneys: Richard North, Alan Stark & William Murphy
Brick Wall: Smabs Sputzer
Moon: Luis Argerich
Thanks guys for the creative commons licenses!