Quit Smoking Hypnosis

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Quit Smoking Hypnosisحول

التنويم المغناطيسي هو وسيلة فعالة لأي شخص يرغب في الإقلاع عن التدخين

This is a self-contained audio app containing Coach Malte Lange’s “Quit Smoking” hypnosis audiobook.

The hypnosis is an effective method for anyone wishing to quit smoking. The app includes coaching, hypnosis, experience, advice, effective strategies and various motivational tools.

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With this app you get:

- A 60-minute “Quit Smoking” hypnosis session developed and recorded by Coach Malte Lange, who has appeared on TV2’s “Go’aften Danmark” and in the Danish tabloid newspaper Ekstra Bladet

- All the tools for a truly successful smoking cessation

- Motivation to become smoke-free

The app is easy to use and offers fast, tangible results. Instructions on how to best use the app are included. This is a super-simple app that anyone can figure out how to use.

IMPORTANT: Never use this app while driving, operating machinery, or any other task which requires your attention.

For best results, listen to the program with headphones while lying in a comfortable place where you cannot be disturbed.

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Android متطلبات النظام



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