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Biochemistry in Hindi app contain important topic of Biochemistry subject
Biochemistry in Hindi App is a unique app in which Important Chapters / Topic of Biochemistry have been given in Hindi and English Mix Language and explained in very simple language. Pictures are also used in Biochemistry App as per the need to understand Topic. Be easy.
This app is mainly designed for BMLT but you can use this app in other Paramedical Course also like BMLT, DMLT, CCH, Nursing, BPT, B. Pharmacy, D. Pharmacy, OT, GNM Etc. Biochemistry Subject is in almost all these Paramedical Courses, so this app has been developed to make Paramedical Studies easy and to explain easily in Biochemistry Subject in Hindi + English Mix Language. Therefore, it is an important app to understand the important subject Biochemistry of all types of Paramedical Courses in Hindi + English Language.
Biochemistry in Hindi App is helpful in preparation of all types of Medical Competition Exam- NEET, Laboratory Exam, AIIMS, Veterinary and other Paramedical Competition Exams related to Paramedical Courses.
This app is also very good for reading Paramedical Course Like – MLT, BMLT, DMLT, CCH, Nursing, GNM, B. Pharmacy, D. Pharmacy, OT etc, Paramedical Studies, Paramedical Notes in Hindi and English Language.
The specialty of Biochemistry in Hindi App is that the content has been defined year wise and has been arranged in a very systematic way.
In this app, the following topic of Biochemistry Subject 1st year has been covered –
Biochemistry in Hindi Topic-
1. Introduction of Biochemistry.
2. Responsibility
3. Laboratory Ethics
4. Laboratory Management
5. Laboratory Organization
6. Laboratory Safety
7. Safety Sign
8. First Aid
9. Glassware
10. Centrifuge Machine
11. Water Bath
12. Colorimeter
13. Balance
14. Flame Photometer
15. Incubator
16. Hot Plate
17. Determination of Serum Chloride
18. Water Distillations Apparatus
19. Preparation of Reagent
20. S.I Unit
21. Separation of Serum & Plasma
22. Radio Isotopes
23. Reference Range
24. Buffer Solution
25. Urine Examination
26. Dialysis
27. Osmosis & Diffusion
28. Surface Tension
29. pH
30. Collection
31. Statics
32. S.D (Standard Deviation)
33. C.v (Coefficient Variation)
34. Biochemistry Normal Range
35. Probability
Biochemistry in Hindi App is very important and useful for every student / person who wants to make a career in medical / paramedical field.
After using the Biochemistry App, make sure to inform us about your suggestions and ideas.
यह App मुख्यता BMLT के लिए Design किया गया है परन्तु इस App का उपयोग आप Other Paramedical Course में भी कर सकते है जैसे BMLT, DMLT, CCH, Nursing, BPT, B. Pharmacy, D. Pharmacy, OT, GNM etc Biochemistry Subject लगभग इन सभी Paramedical Courses में होता है इसलिए Paramedical Studies को आसान बनाने तथा Biochemistry Subject in Hindi + English Mix Language में सरलता से समझाने हेतु इस App का Development किया गया है | अत: सभी प्रकार के Paramedical Courses के Important Subject Biochemistry को Hindi + English Language में समझने के लिए यह एक महत्वपूर्ण App है |
Biochemistry in Hindi App Paramedical Courses से Related सभी प्रकार की Medical Competition Exam- NEET, Laboratory Exam, AIIMS, Veterinary and other Paramedical Competition Exams की Preparation में सहायक है |
Biochemistry App का Use करने के बाद अपने सुझावो एवं विचारो से हमें अवश्य अवगत कराये |
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Last updated on Feb 29, 2024
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Jefferson Fabiano Santos
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Biochemistry In Hindi
v2.1.14 by SVS Developers
Feb 29, 2024