Canadian students to eat a takeaway, catering services, make life happy hands!Micro-channel public number: fun to eatMicroblogging: eat takeaway
想叫外卖, 找不到外卖单怎么办?
• 涵盖最热门中餐厅,浏览所有美食高清图片
• 提前订桌,下单,到了就能吃,赶时间不怕上菜慢
• 下单送外卖,线下支付
• 各种赠饮打折,优惠不断,推荐不断
• 包含爱屯每家KTV订座电话
Want to try the best Chinese restaurants in Town? We’ve partnered with the most popular hitters. In AiChi, all you need to do is sit down, relax and browse menus, see pictures, and place the order right on your phone. You can dine in, request delivery or pick up by yourself. It’s that easy and fun!
How it works:
• Pick up your favorite restaurant.
• Browse menu.
• Checkout in the shopping cart
• Choose delivery/reserve/pickup
• Fill up the personal info. Done!
The moment we receive your order, the restaurant starts cooking for you!