Achievements implementation into your Minecraft PE
You should have BlockLauncher installed on your device!
With this mod you can implement achievements into your gameplay. Lets say you collect wood for the first time ever then the mod will print you a message saying that you have achieved that achivement. When typing /info you can see which achievements you have got so far and which you still need.
At this point the mod is very basic but we hope that the creator will look into more alternatives way to make it a fun thing to have.
17 possiblie achievements inspired by Minecraft PC
3 new commands
Automated achievement system
/reset (resets all achievements)
All Achievements:
“Getting Wood”
“Benchmarking” (craft a crafting table)
“Time to Mine!” (craft a wooden pickaxe)
“Hot Topic” (craft a furnace)
“Acquire Hardware” (gather iron ingots)
“Time to Farm!” (craft a hoe)
“Bake Bread”
“The Lie” (make a cake)
“Getting an Upgrade” (craft a stone pickaxe)
“On a Rail” (craft a rail)
“Time to Strike!” (craft a wooden sword)
“Creeper Hunter” (gather gunpowder)
“Cow Tipper” (gather leather)
“Librarian” (craft a bookcase)
“Gold Digger” (mine a gold ore)
“Breakfast” (pick up an egg)
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with