Find amazing drawings for your drawing inspiration
Art drawing - Drawing is a form of visual art in which a person uses various drawing instruments to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium. Instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, various kinds of erasers, markers, styluses, various metals (such as silverpoint) and electronic drawing.
Drawing art - A drawing instrument releases a small amount of material onto a surface, leaving a visible mark. The most common support for drawing is paper, although other materials, such as cardboard, plastic, leather, canvas, and board, may be used. Temporary drawings may be made on a blackboard or whiteboard or indeed almost anything. The medium has been a popular and fundamental means of public expression throughout human history. It is one of the simplest and most efficient means of communicating visual ideas. The wide availability of drawing instruments makes drawing one of the most common artistic activities.
Colored pencil drawings - Colored pencil drawings are rapidly experiencing a whole new level of appreciation in the art world. While colored pencils were once considered to be primarily for kids, throughout the years they have been steadily gaining respect amongst artists, galleries, and collectors. Artists are exploring the creative potential of this art-making medium, while art collectors and enthusiasts are marveling at their output!
Drawings in pencil - A trained artist can already create detailed pencil drawings, but when they achieve a true mastery of perspective and 3D space, their art, both literally and figuratively, reaches a whole new level. Drawing Artists like Ramon Bruin, Alessandro Diddi and Fredo represent a highly technical form of art that we rarely see on Bored Panda. The tools they use are simple – just pencil and paper. With a whole lot of practice and dedication, you could draw something like this too and become a drawing artist like them.
A figure drawing is a drawing of the human form in any of its various shapes and postures using any of the drawing media. The term can also refer to the act of producing such a drawing. The degree of representation may range from highly detailed, anatomically correct renderings to loose and expressive sketches. A "life drawing" is a drawing of the human figure from observation of a live model. A figure drawing may be a composed work of art or a figure study done in preparation for a more finished work such as a painting. Figure drawing is arguably the most difficult subject an artist commonly encounters, and entire courses are dedicated to the subject. The human figure is one of the most enduring themes in the visual arts, and the human figure can be the basis of portraiture, illustration, sculpture, medical illustration, and other fields.
Paper drawing - In general, the biggest difference between sketch art and paper drawing is that Sketch paper is intended for practicing, experimenting, and quick studies, while paper drawing is intended for finished artwork. Sketch art paper is often lighter weight, while drawing paper is conversely a bit heavier in weight. With drawing papers typically being heavier, the artist is able to work on the sheet longer and refine work. The paper can usually stand up to more erasing and more fine detail work.
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