ভার্চুয়াল আলটার স্পিরিট বক্স অ্যানিমা সোলার সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন!
Contact the Anima Sola by using a virtual altar spirit box. Specially designed to contact and communicate with Anima Sola or Lonely Spirits in purgatory. A very well known spirit in many traditions, including Roman Catholic religion and the Afro-Caribbean religion of Santería.
This virtual altar spirit box - VAS - provides you with 6 audio banks, automatically activated when you click the Anima Sola image button. The spirit box would then detect multiple energy readings by using your smartphone's sensors, then translates those readings into scan speed rates. You can still change the speed rates manually by clicking the ( - / + ) button on the screen.
Additionally, you also have Anima Sola's audio frequency generator. This audio engine was specially made to contact this spirit. And is recommended to be used with the built-in audio recorder. You'll find the saved audio files in your mobile's storage, in "Anima Sola Spirit Box" folder.
Optional : You can use this prayer to start your communication ( I call you O Anima Sola, you who are alone and abandoned, I accompany you in your grief. For I know of the grief and suffering you must endure within your harsh and long imprisonment. And pray that you find your way into the light. Find and connect to the grace of God. May eternal peace and rest, grant unto you. Amen )
We support our work and will continue to update our software, to make sure you'll always have the most effective spirit communication tools. Feel free to contact us anytime and we will do our best to help you as soon as possible.