Karaoke and Music App for best Ethiopian single musics and peoples choice.
በዚህ አዝማሪ በተሰኘ የሙዚቃ አፕ ተወዳጅና አዳዲስ ሙዚቃዎችን ይከታተሉ፡፡
አብረው እየዘፈኑ በሙዚቃዎቹ እንዲዝናኑ የዘፈኖቹ ግጥሞች ታክለዋል፡፡
በሙዚቃዎቹ እየተደሰቱ አስተያየቶን የላኩልን፡፡
Karaoke and Music App for best Ethiopian single musics and peoples choice.
Download and Play.
We will include more musics every week.
Keep on checking 'Azmari Musics - አዝማሪ ዘፈን' for new additions.
Thank You.