ক্রিপ্টোকারেন্সির দৈনিক খবর: বিটকয়েন, ইথেরিয়াম, অল্টকয়েন এবং এনএফটি
CryptoNews is a news and price aggregator platform indicating impact on price and market for traders and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Everything you need to know about bitcoin, blockchain, NFTs and more. Plus, the latest cryptocurrency news, interviews and market analysis.
This free to download, easy to use, intuitive and visually appealing crypto news app with its tiled interface captures fresh and recent news and headlines. You will never lose any news about Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other altcoins even if it just happened.
What this app includes :
- Alert on breaking news to your mobile. (You will never lose any important news)
- Add article to favorites list
- Share stories
This app uses news feeds from various sources to get you the most recent news about crypto industry. Latest news about bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain, mining, NFT, cryptocurrency prices and more.