সংস্কৃতি এবং জাপানের traditionsতিহ্য এটির পার্থক্যের কারণ
Japan is one of the East Asian countries that have it cultures and traditions of japan
Japan is an empire that was established in 1868 AD, its capital is Tokyo, and its official currency is the yen, and its economy ranks third in the world, and has a remarkable international influence. Due to its classification among the most important countries that provide loans and capital in the world. [1] The lands of Japan constitute a group of islands that follow the Asian continent, and are located on the northern side of the Pacific Ocean opposite the Asian mainland from its eastern coast, and their distance ranges between 800 km from the side of the Sea of Japan, And 100 km from the side of the Korea Strait.
Japan is one of the countries that take great care of it Customs and traditions of Japan