Indexing and manage files like as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Text, RAR & Zip
In device file store in different location like as internal and external storage and all file has a store in a different path.
Now, we are giving all file easy indexing by folder structure. The folder is last of the file folder. You can easily find, open by a few clicks. We are covered all document like as Word ( doc, docx ), Excel (xls, xlsx), Power Point (ppt, pptx), pdf,txt, zip and rar.
Document Manager Features:
- Indexing and manage all document file like as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Text, WAR and Zip.
- All documents manage by folder structure.
- Manage recent files.
- Sorting files by name, date and size.
- Multi Select, search, rename and delete files
- Share and open file on single click.
- Manage Read, Delete, Rename, File details.
- Pick document from anyway.
Txt manager
Text files manager
pdf files manager
xls files manager
pdf viewer
ppt files manager
ppt viewer
Word files manager
viewer for excel files
viewer for pdf files
pdf file
file manager for word files
pdf reader
Office manager
Office files manager
pdf manager
file manager download
List excel files
docs manager 2019
Document files manager
Document Management
List pdf files
scanned document can manage in this app.
manage scan document
this is very easy document manager
text files manager