The doll dollhouse design site will provide you with new references and ideas
Great Porcelain Dollhouse Furniture
What comes to mind when you think of porcelain? China, and with good reason because porcelain's primary discovery came from china in the early 600s. It has been the material of choice for plates, potter, dishes, and "china". Porcelain is also used quite extensively by miniaturists. You will see most bathroom sets are made from porcelain creating a beautiful white, glazed color.
Bedroom Dollhouse Furniture
Every dollhouse needs a dollhouse bedroom. When you choose your dollhouse bedroom, you will be astounded at the variety-there are lots of furniture pieces to choose from, and they all have different colors, styles, and designs. Each set has its own one-of-a-kind features, such as distinctive carving designs and specially tailored bedding.
Dollhouse Music and Game Furniture
If you are looking to add some style and fun to your dollhouse, adding a music or game room is the way to go Music rooms could feature any type of instruments (some that really play music, and make your home more sophisticated and cultured. Game rooms not only make your house more cozy and true-to-life, they also really captivate observers' attention and earn their praise.
Living Room Dollhouse Furniture
Any dollhouse, large or small, is not a dollhouse without a living room There are more options for dollhouse living room furniture than perhaps any other room in your dollhouse, due to the variety of styles, fabrics patterns, and material types available. Examine as many living room sets as you can-this room will make a big difference in identifying the characteristics of your dollhouse
Enjoying Modern Dollhouse Furniture Design
Do you enjoy a modern look? This new modern dollhouse furniture design is almost identical replicas of many popular life size pieces. Modern design has a unique feel to it, and we suggest that if you are interested in this route that you plan your entire dollhouse with modern furniture to keep a certain amount of consistency.
Dollhouse Library and Office Furniture
One place in which the era of your dollhouse-from Colonial to Victorian to modern-can be clearly defined is in the library or office. Adding a small amount of accessories, such as a few classic books or an ornamental globe, go a long way in this room. This room adds a lot of elegance to your dollhouse.
Kitchen Furniture
Within kitchen sets for dollhouses, there is a great assortment in terms of size-some kits only include a couple pieces, while others have everything you could possibly think of If you are not going to have a separate dining room, be sure to get a table and chairs-they are must-haves for dollhouse make-believe Also, keep in mind that many of the most fun dollhouse accessories belong in the kitchen (pots and pans, dollhouse food, etc.), so make sure your kitchen will be able to display them.