New App on Emotional Intelligence Quotient / EQ Short
>>>Emotional Quotient Pro has full set of questions<<<
*New App on Emotional Intelligence Quotient / EQ Short*
- This new app is designed to assess your EQ, i.e., Emotional Quotient.
- The test has been designed to measure how often you believe that you demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviors.
- Please note that there is no right or wrong answers in the test. You are expected to truly respond to the questions in order to have accurate assessment of results.
- You should not answer in a way that you think sounds good or acceptable to others.
- The test is not timed. Read the statements properly and give your responses. However, try not to spend too long thinking about a response.
- Generally, the first answer which comes to the mind is the most accurate one.
-This is a free version app and may contain ads.
-EQ Short gives you an accurate result. However, for a very comprehensive result it is highly recommended to take up our full version test available at