ইংরেজি তামিল অনুবাদক তাত্ক্ষণিকভাবে আপনার পাঠ্য, শব্দ এবং বার্তা অনুবাদ করুন।
English to Tamil Translator is free download application to translate English to Tamil & Tamil to English Also.
Download the largest Tamil English dictionary with over lakhs of Tamil and English words. Meaning of words are provided with definition.
- Simple User Interface(Easy to use for Translator)
- Listen translated text, sentence in English or Tamil
- Used as a Tamil to English dictionary or English to Tamil Dictionary.
- Social Media - Easily share with Friends and Family.
- User Friendly Material design used for easily used for all the user.
You can use this apps as a Tamil to English dictionary or English to Tamil Dictionary too.