How to build your executive presence to be a good and presentable team leader.
Executive presence (EP) is a trait that all aspiring executives know they need, but its definition is murky at best. Is it charisma? Is it grace under pressure? Will those in charge of your career path agree that you have “it”? If you’re deemed lacking in executive presence, you might miss out on a promotion or other work opportunities. Rather than leave things to chance and hope that you have what it takes, it’s smart for you to take proactive steps to build this important leadership element. Here’s what you need to know to help you get started.
This Executive Presence app contains:-
1) Defination - What is EP?
2) What is characteristics of EP
3) Introduction of EP
4) Gravitas - How You Act
5) Communications - How You Speak
6) Appearance - How You Look
7) Conclusion
8) A Leader with Executive Presence
9) How to build your EP
10) Communication Skills - Define your EP
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