আমরা আপনাকে ভারতের সবচেয়ে বিখ্যাত মন্দির এবং তাদের ছবি পরিচয় করিয়ে দিচ্ছি।
For centuries temples have remained integral to the Indian society. As the nerve centers of Indian religious life, these temples came to wield enormous powers. The role of the temples did not remain confined to catering to the religious needs of man. They went on to dominate the socioeconomic and political life of the community while profusely contributing to the cultural and architectural heritage of the country. Unparalleled in their beauty and artistic grandeur these temples have survived as exquisite works of art and given birth to different architectural styles which have evolved over hundreds of years.
Hindu temples come in many styles, diverse locations, deploy different construction methods and are adapted to different deities and regional beliefs. Yet, almost all Hindu temples share certain core ideas, symbolism and themes. They are found in South Asia particularly India and Nepal, in southeast Asian countries.
This app provides information about various Indian temples, their pictures and architecture and many more details.