Event programs when and where you need them! Save Trees!
Green Events automatically provides you event listings for events occurring today near you. Open the listing to see the program and a count down to the event start. A reminder to silence your phone is provided at the start of the event. If you need to see programs at other locations, today or in the future, you can also search by city. Green Event also displays the number of pages and trees that have been saved by using the app, rather than a printed program.
Save Paper.
Save Trees.
Completely Free.
No Ads.
No sign up required to view Program.
Event planners can create an account to upload PDFs, create event listings, and remove their event listings. Great for Music Educators, Houses of Worship, Sport Events,… Any time you need to share info (Ex. Song list and participant) for an event that occurs at a specific time at a specific location.