Solidworks tutorial. Solidworks for designers.
Here we go with the list of the current Solidworks tutorials you will find on the app.
# Contents:
1. AutoCAD vs Solidworks – Which one do I learn?
* How-to series
2. Create a simple 3D object
3. Easy to follow 3D sketching using Solidworks
4. How to draw a coke bottle
5. Solidworks tutorial: sheet metal
6. Solidworks tutorial: Solidworks equation
7. Solidworks tutorial: How to Create a Sphere in Solidworks
* Using commands
8. Solidworks tutorial: Circular pattern
9. Solidworks tutorial: How to mirror parts
10. Solidworks tutorial: Using the LOFT command
11. Solidworks tutorial: SWEEP
12. Solidworks tutorial: Extrude
13. Solidworks tutorial: Assembly
14. Solidworks tutorial: Cosmetic thread
15. Solidworks tutorial: Convert entities