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Get KidsBibleStory18 by Mom&Dad old version APK for Android
※ KBS18 Story by your Video☞ Total Collection of Kid's Bible Story Series.
※ This is the total collection of KBS(Kids Bible Story) Series.
☞ The Stories About: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Samson, David, Solomon, Jonah, Paul, Zacchaeus, Jesus
☞ Stories by the Holy Bible (Each story shows referenced Bible chapters and verses.)
※ If you are not able to use this video version, you can try the audio version, i.e. "Mom&Dad's KidsBibleStory v2.A"
※ Kids can read, hear and watch mammy and daddy's Bible story, and play drawing.
☞ You can "Play" after "Record".
After "Delete" the recorded file, you can "Record" again.
☞ You can customize this app with your own story images and texts.
Try [Below] format for the file in "Audio4Bible" folder where recorded files are stored.
(Save the text file by "UTF-8" encoding.)
[Number] is from 1 to 144.
eg. KBS18-Story-2.jpg (This image will replace the second default picture. Don't use too big size image.)
eg. KBS18-Story-2.txt (This text will replace the second default story.)
※ I hope this can help to the faith of our kids.
※ You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15
★ Simple Bible and Kids Bible Story series are all free.
Currently, we are in the project (The Bible-smith Project) that develops third-party language bible apps for more efficient evangelism. Please pray for this.
To donate this project, you can buy "Simple Bible Gift ()" packages from the market.
Kind regards,
God bless,
※ 한글 설명 (Korean Description): 엄마 아빠가 읽어주는 어린이 성경동화 이야기
☞ 엄마 아빠의 영상과 이야기를 그림과 함께 아이들에게 보여주고 들려줄 수 있습니다. 또한 새로운 이미지와 한글(UTF-8)을 사용하여 새로운 스토리를 작성 하실수도 있습니다.
☞ 성경의 큰 흐름 (아담, 노아, 아브라함, 요셉, 모세, 여호수아, 다니엘, 삼손, 다윗, 솔로몬, 요나, 바울, 삭개오, 예수님)을 아이들에게 들려주실 수 있습니다.
비디오 버전을 사용하실 수 없는 분은 기존 오디오 버전 "Mom&Dad's KidsBibleStory v2.A" 을 사용하시기 바랍니다.
Last updated on Mar 31, 2016
※ This KBS18 includes from the creation of the universe to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
※ Change: The video file name has been changed from "KBS18-Story-[Number].mp4" to "kbs18_story_[Number].mp4".
※ The video may not work on some devices. Then please try the audio record version ☞
Aung Cho
Android প্রয়োজন
Android 2.3.2+
রিপোর্ট করুন
KidsBibleStory18 by Mom&Dad
2.1 by The Bible-smith Project
Mar 31, 2016