Explore a genuine icon, reimagined for the digital generation through AR.
Land Rover Defender AR: an immersive experience to introduce a genuine icon, reimagined for the digital generation. Download the app from the Android store, and there’s a world of adventure at your fingertips.
You’ll be able to explore the new Defender through Augmented Reality, which lets you scale your chosen model – 1:1 or desktop size, so you can interact with it anywhere. You can choose from a selection of terrains to see Defender in its element – out in Mother Nature’s playground. And you can save your settings in a photo to share with friends and family.
You can personalise the Defender to suit your lifestyle. Choose from a 110 or 90 bodystyle and six distinctive derivatives. Discover which of the 12 wheel options is the one for you. Upgrade for your adventure with a selection of practical and stylish Accessory Packs - specially created to suit your lifestyle, whether you're exploring the outback or conquering the commute.
And don’t forget to take a fully immersive, 360° tour of the interior, to see the full range of trim options.
There are films for you to watch, too, to bring to life Defender’s best-in-class towing and wading capabilities.
Check it out, and start planning your adventure today.