It is a Learning app for Polymer JS : is JavaScript Library for web development
Web development is nowadays is very popular. every one wants to develope their own websites.
Web Development is nowdays becoming easy day by day . ther are so many frameworks available whinch gives us a ready made facility to make our web development projects. So this application's motive is to make your work less while we work on web development projecs.
Learn PolymerJS - Learn Web Development - learn JS contains tutorials of polymmer js technology. which is very fresh technology in market. which gives you a facility to reduce and reuse your code. polymers js is nowadays using in web development work. so many big companies are using this in web development.
A Polymer JS is Java script library that created by Google.
Learn PolymerJS - Learn Web Development - learn JS provid you all tutorials of PolymerJs in very easy can easily read it and get knowledge of Polymer js technolgy.
we all know html verywell . polmer js provides us to make our own html tags, which will be having our own css our own javascript behaviour. this thing can be very helpful in web development. this thing makes our web developing tark really less.
Polymer Js technology allows reusing the HTML elements for building applications with components.
Polymer js is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Google developers.It allows to create our own custom elements easily using the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for adding interactions to the element.It is created by Google that provides cross-browser compatible applications along with the web components, it will take care of all the browser. Polymer JS will be the next future of web developer.Polymer JS provides both one-way and two-way data binding.Poymer JS provides Polymer command line interface for managing the projects from simple components to complicated web applications.Polymer JS JavaScript library built on top of the web standards APIs that allow building custom HTML elements.
if you are thinking to bring you at advance level in web deloping , then polymmer js would be the grat move for you. because in next few years polymer js techlogy will be much more using in web developing.
Learn PolymerJS - Learn Web Development - learn JS contains many topic of it such as,
Polymer Introduction
What is Polymer.js
Polymer Installation
Polymer Elements
App Elements
App Layout
App Route
Iron Elements
Iron A11y Keys
Iron Ajax
Iron Collapse
Iron Image
Iron Dropdown
Paper Input
Paper Listbox
Drawer Panel
Dropdown Menu
Paper Card
Google Components
Web Components
Cc Input
Email Input
Phone Input
Neon Elements
Platinum Elements
Platinum Bluetooth
Push Messaging
Custom Elements
Shadow DOM & styling
Shadow DOM and Styling
Polymer Events
Polymer Data System
Polymer Tools
Create an Element Project
Create an App Project
Polymer CLI Commands
Polymer JS tuorials provide you good UI for read. Learn PolymerJS - Learn Web Development - learn JS provide you the examples for every topics. Polymer JS tutorial provide you the facility of copy the code, you can easily use it in your project.Polymer JS tutorial has the pictorial explanation of all the theory.Polymer JS tutorial contain all the topics of latest technology.
If you like my app Learn PolymerJS - Learn Web Development - learn JS , then share with your friend who is learning this technoly. This is very advance technoloy for webdeveloper. Polymer Js will reduce many work of webdeveloper.
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