Set Modern Batik Design Inspiration
The word batik is taken from the word "ambatik", namely the word "amba" (Javanese), meaning to write and "tik" meaning small point, droplets, or make a point. So, batik is write or paint dots. In general, batik is a technique with a wax resist color repeated on the fabric. Wax is used as a buffer to prevent the color does not absorb into the fabric fibers in the desired parts.
Batik is a painting on cloth material used as a basis for making clothes. Initially, batik is only known by the palace. Batik is composed of various motifs and every motif is a symbol for the wearer, such motives kawung machetes and should only be worn by the royal family. On development, batik spread into the general community.
Batik is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia (Java), which still exists. Batik is also first introduced to the world by President Soeharto, who at the time was wearing a batik at the UN Conference.
Batik is used to wrap the body of a dancer, dance palace Bedhoyo Ketawang in Java.