স্টাইলিশ অ্যাপ্লিকেশন - আপনার ফোনটির দুর্দান্ত ব্যক্তিগতকরণ, দুর্দান্ত বিনোদন
The app Mom Day Wishes is a great opportunity for your device. Download and install Mom Day Wishes, take the opportunity to make the screen of your device personalized and unique. Mom Day Wishes - сhoosing your favorite picture or watching a slideshow is great entertainment.
Mom Day Wishes - simple and beautiful app personolization your device. The application Mom Day Wishes has a number of advantages - full compatibility with 99% of Android-devices, does not need to be connected to the Internet, it is economical to use the battery of the device, it has a very convenient and understandable system of settings.
Mom Day Wishes - Personalization and Entertainment. Animated unique appication Mom Day Wishes - implementation with realistic effects and excellent graphics. The new free version. The application Mom Day Wishes is not only the ability to set beautiful and stylish APP Personalization. on the screen, but also the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest applications of our team. The application contains the announcement of the best APP in the relevant topics from the developer.
Referring to twice the screen with your finger, you can open the settings menu. If desired, this function call the quick menu can be turned off.
They include a sound effect - Sounds are played when you touch on the center of the screen. To turn off the sound using the settings menu.
Interactive Application Mom Day Wishes include many diverse properties per (fireflies, butterflies, stars). The relevant section of the settings set number of animations.
In the application Mom Day Wishes, it is possible to connect the effect of flickering sparks - fireflies and stars randomly scatter over the background field. Unobtrusive flicker gives the image an additional charm.
Mom Day Wishes is stable on all popular models of the leading manufacturers of phones and tablet devices. Periodically, the application is updated. New versions are available in the Developer account.
If any malfunction or problems in the application developer to inform the post office. In the present application content advertising.