আপনার ভিডিও ফাইলগুলিকে mp3 বা aac ফরম্যাটে সাউন্ডে রূপান্তর করুন
A content creator , sound maker or an individual? Seen a sound in a video which you need? , You can get those sounds as MP3 or AAC file.
- Inbuilt video player
- Supports Mp4 and 3gpp video files.
- multiple file conversion and muting
- Trim videos or output audios .
All features are available from Android 4.3 to latest Android versions as stated by Google. Features has been reviewed on Android 5, Android 8.1, Android 11 and Android 12 to be working.
Rather than low ratings please reach me on froshboi11@gmail.com , will be willing to help