Contains the terms of the sharia headscarf for Muslim women
"Say to the believing women:" Let them hold their gaze and keep their genitals and they should not show their jewelry except the ordinary ones they see. And let them cover the veil to their breasts ... (QS An Nur: 31)
This noble verse confirms the obligation of believing women to cover the entire jewelery, not showing at least to those who are not mahromnya except the usual jewelry. True, there is a long enough dispute about the exempt limbs.
But the strongest opinion -AllahAlloh- is the opinion of the majority of scholarly commentators and hadiths who cancers the face and both hands are excluded members. With this important note, that closing is a more important practice, because this is an example practiced by the best women, the women of friends, tabi'in and tabi'ut women. Al Hafidh Ibn Hajar says in Fathul Bariy 6/226: "It is the custom of women who have always existed since then, they cover their faces from humans outside their mahromes."
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