আপনার সঙ্গীত এবং ইনফোটেইনমেন্ট প্রয়োজনের জন্য লাইভে জন্যই বেছে এনেছে রেডিও স্টেশন
24/7 Music and infotainment stations available on Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi.
* Sleep timer to stop playing automatically.
* Auto retrying on temporary failure of channel and connectivity.
* Well engineered audio focusing.
* Simple and tidy User interface.
* Better user experience with three different Indian languages.
* Report us for any suggestions, requests, queries and obligations.
* Share the application to your friends and immerse them on music and info.
Want to add your favourite channels in our application? Please contact us instantly via Report us, we will do our best .
Notice: If you see any copyrighted content in our app please write to helicalsolvers@gmail.com, we will remove the content as soon as possible.