ITC tool to aid investigators and researchers in attempting spirit communication
This app is no longer supported and will not be updated.
Please use my other supported app Paranormal Live Ghost Box
The Original Live Ghost Box App..
Paranormal Live Ghostbox is an app used to test and research the theory of ITC audio streams using radio.
The theory of a ghost box is to grab random audio bits supplied by a sweeping radio tuner. Once the listener gets acclimated to the sounds of a sweeping radio, you will hear messages come through.
This LIVE Ghost Box test is to see if each person can listen to the same audio from anywhere in the world and receive personal messages for themselves. This ghost box is located in the uk and uses Marks Box 1. I for years have had great results by streaming ghostboxes via skype.
This app requires mobile internet or wifi to work and all dials on the box are for illustration only and do not operate the live ghostbox. You can only start and stop listening to the ghostbox.
After pressing start it can take some time to connect.
If you can't connect the ghostbox could have too many users on or its just temporarily down.
This does not mean the app does not work.
Please be aware of this when using this app.
For questions and support please use the facebook group Paranormal Live Ghostbox App