PRX Remix is, quite simply, the greatest radio station of all time.
PRX Remix is for people who love to listen to great stories.
We handpick the best short works from shows like The Moth, 99% Invisible, and Snap Judgment, from independent producers on, and from podcasters everywhere. Then we mix it up for you in a never-ending stream. Lots of what’s on PRX Remix isn’t aired anywhere else.
This is not another podcasting app. PRX Remix is, quite simply, the greatest radio station of all time. This app lets you listen closely.
Preload up to an hour of audio for offline listening
Lots of new stories added each week
Share stories with anyone - they don’t need the app to listen
You can also tune in to PRX Remix on XM 123 and Want it on your local public radio station? Ask them to air it.
Tweet @prx to suggest great audio stories to our editorial team.
PRX Remix was developed with love by PRX, and supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.