Upper Limb Positioning - Radiographic Positioning of the Upper Limb
Upper Limb Radiographic Positioning
Upper limb radiography is the radiological investigation of the shoulder girdle, humerus, ulna, radius, carpals and metacarpals of the hand. It is often utilized in the context of trauma to rule out fractures and dislocations.
A Radiographic Positioning of the Upper Limb containing Anatomical review of the upper limb, indications of upper limb radiography, exposure factors and radiation protection.
More importantly, it contain the basics/standard and special/additional projections/views/positioning of the entire upper limb starting from the sternoclavicular joint to clavicle, shoulder joint, acromioclavicular joint, scapular, humerus, elbow joint, forearm, wrist, scapoid, hand, thumb and fingers.