Download and enjoy your new application free!!!
Already for Android devices, your new application is available for you to enjoy anytime, anywhere on your phone or tablet.
* Easy to use
* Fast access
* Totally free
Do not wait any longer and download your new app!
Enjoy the following stations:
Hitradio Ö3
KroneHit 105.8
Folk music Pur
Radio U1
ORF Radio Styria
ORF Radio Vienna
Oldie Party Radio
Bohemian-Moravian brass band
ORF Radio Lower Austria
ORF Radio Tirol
Melody Exclusive
Radio AlpenStar
ORF 1 Radio Austria
Arabella Vienna
Radio Gruen Weiss
Energy - Vienna
Austrian Rock Radio
Radio Classic
ORF Radio Upper Austria
Radio Osttirol
Life Radio
ORF Radio FM4
radio 88.6
Wave 1
Radio South Tyrol
Kuk Online Radio
WEL 105.5
Radio SOL
Fallout Radio
Flachgau FM
Radio Seniorkom
Moj radio
Radio sound portal
Spirit Live Radio
Korna FM
WELS Streams: Choral Radio - Wels
Radio Freirad
radio proton
Lovely Music Radio
My children's radio
Radio Max
Radio technical center
Seestadt Radio
Radio OP
Radio Balkansko Srce
Radio X-MAS
Campus radio JKU
Soundstorm Relax Radio
Radio NJOY 91.3
Free Radio Salzkammergut
Radio TV Unirea
This is not a wireless application without internet. "/ This free radio requires an internet connection, LTE, 3G or 4G and it also works with Wi-Fi networks.
Please be patient if the transmitter takes a while to load the streaming or if it shuts off at the beginning of the streaming signal transmission. The transmitter then works properly again. Everything depends on the speed of your internet. If you for any reason want to listen to your favorite radio station and we do not have it, write us and we will create it at !!!!