Rani Padmavati real story videos..!
Rani Padmini also acknowledged as Rani Padmavati was a Mythical 13th-14th century Indian queen.
Story is based on rani padmavati. Padmavati was an exceptionally beautiful princess of the Singhal kingdom (Sri Lanka).
Ratan Sen, the Prince of Chittor, heard about her beauty from a parrot(Hiraman). After that he won her hand in marriage and brought her to Chittor.
Alauddin Khalji, the Sultan of Delhi also heard about her beauty and want her.
So we are provide you different kinds of videos that telling to story of rani Padmavati.
Watch Video of Padmavati.
Story of Padmavati.
Movie and Making of Padmavati.
Story in both language Hindi as well as English..!!