Unlock your Renault Radio.
When the battery of your car is discnnected your radio is locked.
With this application you can unlock your radio.
- Remove the radio or CD player from the dashboard.
- The Precode can be found on a label located on the casing.
- Enter the precode and push the "Get Code" Button.
- Enter the code to unlock your radio or CD player.
To find the precode without removing the radio:
- turn the radio on and hold at the same time the button 1 and 6
How to input radio code ?
・ Press 1 Button repeatedly to display the 1st digit.
・ Press 2 Button repeatedly to display the 2nd digit.
・ Press 3 Button repeatedly to display the 3rd digit.
・ Press 4 Button repeatedly to display the 4th digit.
・ Press and HOLD (10 seconds) the preset button 6 or 5 to store your code