Application for locating mushrooms using GPS.
This application is designed to geolocalize points where you have found amushrooms zone, is easy to use and has a very visual iterface.
When you find a mushrooms zone the app saves the position of this zone and the next time you look for mushrooms, you can go directly to the place where you found them previously. The location of your mushrooms, is stored in a private database on your mobile, so only you can access them.
In the app are offered cards of the most wanted mushrooms in Spain in order to serve as an example and that the user modify them at will according to their knowledge or create new cards, are not intended for identification of mushrooms that you do not know. Remember that many mushrooms can be fatal, do not collect or eat mushrooms that you do not know perfectly.
- Stores the position of the car so that later it is easier to find it.
- In your cards you can save the image of a mushroom that you find, by means of a photo or looking in the gallery.
- You have the possibility to use the normal google map or the satellite view.
- If you detect that the GPS of your mobile has bad signal and can not correctly center your position, or you are not located in the location you want to save, you have the possibility to add a new mushrooms zone with a long press on the map. This will add a new zone in that position.
- At the button information has the explanation of the most dubious controls of the app.
This app needs some permissions to work as are the location permission, to be able to save the location of a mushrooms zone or the position of the car and permission to access the storage to be able to save images in your cards.
TAGs: Setas, Mushrooms, Bolets, Rebollones, Hongos.