একসাথে, আপনার 24 ঘন্টা এক দিনের ব্যক্তিগত সহকর্মীর সাথে গান করুন
Sing Along, your 24 hour-a-day personal accompanist. It will play at the speed you want on your choice of organ or piano.
Singing on your own or with friends; indoor or outdoor; night or day.
All lyrics and keyboard action is displayed on screen.
Song library currently contains over 1000 titles. A varied selection including: - Hymns, Nursery Rhymes, Music Hall, Musicals, and many more.
No adverts. No in-app purchases.
Sing Along has now been made completely free of charge!
Still NO adverts or in-app purchases!
There will no longer be future updates to this app or new songs added.
It will remain on the Amazon App store and Google Play store indefinitely.