Best collection of Sleep Ho'oponopono Music
Sleep Ho'oponopono Music
Best collection of Sleep Ho'oponopono Music
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian huna, a secret to facilitating forgiveness within; or simply, the art of forgiveness
Four healing phrases are employed in a harmonic mantra to help “make things right” or “correct the errors”
It works to cleanse hurt feelings and relieve suffering from being in an unforgiving or unforgiven state that brings deep sleep
Ho'oponopono is a tool for atonement, for correcting errors, erasing the effects of past actions and memories that cause havoc and grief in our lives, the lives of others and on mother nature as a whole
Anyone can practise Ho'oponopono--essentially you are seeking a dialogue with the Creator
Through Ho'oponopono, the Creator has given us the opportunity to repair the damage
Listen to divine Ho'oponopono music and slip into deep sleep