App to estimate irrigation time in relation to climatological forecast
Smart Rain is a useful tool to estimate irrigation time in relation to climatological forecast.
Therefore, Smart Rain allows you to be committed with the water consumption, an efficient maintenance of your garden and save money in water which is more and more expensive.
what do you need to know?
This app gets your current location to set your irrigation area or if you prefer you can use your fingers on the map, do zoom and put a marker where your irrigation area is.
On the other hand, it is necessary to know the pluviometry, that is to say, the amount of water which is emitted by an irrigation emitter. To make easier this action, it is offered from advanced possibilities to customize your emitter and get precise irrigation time until others intuitive with generic sprinklers and generic sprays. Besides it is offered several irrigation emitter models of brands like Hunter or Rain Bird to get also precise times.
Smart Rain recommends to use Hunter products and you can check them on