Export your SMS conversations and backup your photos from your MMS to SD CARD
If the SMS conversations with their images, contained in your phone, are important for you, then this app will interest you.
>>> your SMS …
* View then export your SMS conversations directly to your SD card or in the internal storage of your device, in HTML format.
* With the basic version, only the first 10 messages of each conversation are visible. Activate the PRO version for a full use of the app.
>>> your MMS …
* Save your MMS attachments (photos, videos, sounds, contacts …) directly to your SD card or in the internal storage of your device.
* For each contact, view all files on a single screen and select the ones you want to back up. To help you, a sort function (sent/received, by file type) is available.
* With the basic version, all attachments are visible but only the first one of each contact can be saved. Activate the PRO version for a full use of the app.