তিনখানি অংশবিশিষ্ট ফ্যাক্টরিং উইজার্ড - ফর্ম কুঠার ^ 2 + + Bx + C ফ্যাক্টর সমীকরণ
Factors any trinomial equation and will display error if not factorable. Displays solutions of x regardless of being factorable, unless they contain imaginary(non-real) numbers.
input = 4x^2-4x-15
output = (2x-5)(2x+3)
Perfect for checking math homework or finding factors
Suitable for pre algebra to college math.
Usability tip: use negative sign in front of number for subtraction on default UI. Alternate UI with toggle buttons for addition or subtraction selectable from menu, switch between them pressing the "Switch UI" menu item.
Please send any comments or suggestions.