Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal is Christmas Greeting in Bahasa Malaysia & Indonesia.
Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal is an application which offers a wide range of creative, colourful and amazing Christmas greeting cards dedicated to your family, friends and loved ones. This Christmas greetings is not just another typical template, but it conveys and carries meaningful thoughts and wishes specifically for this beautiful celebration of Christmas.
Christmas as we all know, is the most wonderful time of the year and a season where we can lay aside our worries and spend a quality time with our families and friends as we get together exchanging gifts and singing Christmas Carols. With this Christmas greetings Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal card which we design especially to those relatives and friends staying away from us, we can widen our horizon by sending them this wonderful card to bring them nearer to us.
Prior to the invention of modern technology, the old fashion way of delivering greeting cards to our loved ones is often through e-mail or post. While there are people who still practices these conventional way of sending greeting cards which may take a while to travel to the other end, Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal apps aspires to make your experience of conveying your Christmas wishes more reliable, convenient and with speed, just at your fingertips.
All it requires you is an android smart mobile phone. This application is of simplicity, download the link, choose your preferred greeting card, tap it and share it with your friends!
On this application, you would be able to download Christmas greeting card with classic and modern design as your preference, we also included a quote messages and inspiring Christmas stories as our reading material. Instruction on how to share your cards also provided. All this are free download but the application with ads, to support the app developer. Please treat it with understanding.
Take the stress out of you and just click on the provided link to the varieties and fabulous Christmas greeting and wishes cards. You can share this greeting through Facebook or any other available android devices.Please do share our Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal greeting card to everyone as you may never know, they might need it too!
Blessed Christmas to all of you every corner of the world.
Hari Natal tahun ini pasti sangat berkesan dan seronok. Berarti kita sudah melalui setahun lagi perjalanan hidup yang bisa direnungkan.
Hari Natal adalah memperingati kepada kelahiran Tuhan Yesus dalam hati kita. Sambutan Hari Natal bagi umat Kristian sangat penting karena kita merayakan kelahiran Tuhan Yesus ke dunia yang telah datang sebagai penebus dosa kepada semua umatnya.
Sebagai ungkapan syukur atas kelahiran Tuhan Yesus atau Nabi Isa, umat kristiani saling mengucapkan berkat antara sesama. Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal telah menyediakan berbagai design kad hari Natal untuk semua umat untuk di kongsi bersama. Anda hanya perlu memili kad kesukaan dari pilihan klasik atau moden. Kemudian hantar ke applikasi handphone android yang sedia ada. Applikasi ini adalah percuma.
Bukan saja kita berdoa atau memberi hadiah kepada kawan dan keluarga tersayang tetapi kita juga boli menghantar kad ucapan kepada saudara kita yang jauh. Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal apps juga telah menyediakan cerita pendek dan contoh krismas mesej sebagai bahan bacaan.
Dengan kad Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal ini kami berharap anda menyukainya and di harap anda berkongsi dengan teman.
Terima Kasih dan selamat Hari Natal pada semua yang menyambutnya.