Revolutionize the way you do business networking with people like never before.
What is UM Tap-Tap and What does it Do?
UM Tap Tap is a social utility that enables you to trade your money on FOREX through Copy TRADE. Share Business Contacts. Learn on from the Wealth Academy and so much more.
Copy Trade
1. Download UM Tap-Tap - Click on the Money Bag icon at the top centre of
your screen
2. Add Your Sponsor
3. Deposit Funds and Wait for Confirmation
4. Watch Daily Growth
5. Withdraw Initial Investment in 12 Months
Exchanging contact information
1. Swipe through cards to find potential business partners
2. Send a person a Super-Like Message
3. Exchange business cards by using QR-code
4. Expand your business opportunities by having your own personal contact
book within the app
5. Calling, emailing or messaging are easily facilitated to any contact